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About IALS

The International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS) is an international association of university or college-affiliated schools engaged in practices of teacher training, curriculum development, research, professional growth, and educational experimentation for the purpose of supporting member’s schools, and as a voice speaking for the improvement of learning for all children.

Traditionally laboratory schools' commitment has been to assist in preparing teachers while delivering quality instructional programs for children in the classroom. These schools are affiliated with a college or university for specific purposes that go beyond the scope of traditional public and private institutions. Over the years, the laboratory schools have changed to reflect the diverse needs of the teaching professional and have often led the way in improving the science and art of teaching.

IALS was formerly NALS

After more than 50 years as the National Association of Laboratory Schools (NALS), and a brief period as NALS: The International Association of Laboratory and University Affiliated Schools, our organization's Board of Directors decided to change the name to the International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS). The acronym IALS better reflects our current global membership and goals for future expansion. Under all three names, we intentionally take a very broad definition of "laboratory schools" as including campus-based schools, and others with diverse university affiliations, such as charter schools, professional development schools, child study institutes, research and development schools, etc.

To honor the long history and significant impact of the National Association of Laboratory Schools (NALS), we have preserved the name NALS on documents generated under that name. Notice the newsletter names on the Publications page as a clear example of that convention.

The Five Tenets of Lab Schools

Maxfield school teacher with students


Educator Training

Integrated with University and College degree and diploma programs in education, Lab schools offer aspiring educators placements in quality educational environments in which they are observed and guided by experienced mentors. They provide opportunities for these adult students to observe, study, reflect on, and practice education theory, while integrating themselves into classroom environments alive with children. 


Dissemination of Practice

 Lab schools are known for providing high quality academic programs and act as model schools for the educational community. Their innovative and exemplary practices are sought after by pre-service and in-service educators, researchers, faculties of education, education ministers, and policy makers, both locally and globally. Dissemination efforts are broad and varied, encompassing such means as conference presentations, professional learning workshops, hosting onsite visits, curriculum development, website and social media posts, and printed publications. These avenues serve the public purpose of Lab Schools to improve education for all children.


Research and Professional Inquiry

Laboratory schools are committed to both formal research and professional inquiry, recognizing that each plays a crucial role in advancing education. We honor the phronesis, or practical wisdom, of our practitioner-scholars, understanding that the professional knowledge they cultivate through experience and reflection is as valuable as academic research. By integrating rigorous research with the lived expertise of educators, we create a dynamic environment where theory and practice inform and enrich each other.


Professional Learning

At the heart of the laboratory school's vision is a commitment to professional learning, a term we intentionally choose over 'development' to emphasize continuous growth and inquiry. Our approach to professional learning recognizes that it is deeply interconnected with professional inquiry, fostering a culture where educators engage in ongoing exploration and reflection. We are dedicated to addressing a broad spectrum of educational issues—global, national, local, and community-based—seeking common ground while valuing the diverse perspectives that each brings. In our lab schools, professional learning is an active, dynamic process, driven by a shared pursuit of excellence in education. By continuously asking 'why,' we challenge ourselves to expand the boundaries of educational capacity, ensuring that learning is always at the core of our practice. The environment of laboratory schools is that which welcomes questioning and researching to understand the needs of educators and learners. 


Innovative Education

Lab school innovation is a dedication to advancing the science and art of teaching by continually developing and refining practices that respond to the evolving needs of students. A commitment to innovation means that our teaching methods are always learner-centered, prioritizing the holistic development of each child. By focusing on responsive, research-driven approaches, we lead the way in shaping the future of education.

Board of Directors

Meet Our Team

2019 IALS

Non-Discrimination Policy

The International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS) welcomes laboratory schools, colleges, and universities to engage in research and scholarly collaboration. As an international organization, we seek memberships and collaborations from many diverse countries and cultures globally. As such, IALS does not discriminate nor condone discrimination based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We strive to provide equal access to our membership, activities, and operations for schools or individuals engaged in the mission of laboratory schools. IALS is not an accrediting or credentialing body.

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